prehistoric junk circa 1998

Personal Websites

The Digital Kitchen

A website full of cool foods and treats

Ice Cream Castles

The home of the ice cream castle

Impersonation Station

Is that Steve Martin!?!? Oh, it's not.

Death Cab for Hootie

Where's the Blowfish!?

Web Design Resources

Cool Tile Backgrounds

Need a background tile? Grab one here!

Word Art Generator

Like out of date word art vibes? This place is the best


While not sweaty enough, these images are free to use!

HTML Resource City

All the code in the world lives here! You just have to find it...

Food Bloggers

Nothing But Paletas

Keeps track of where to get the best paletas in town!

Noodle City

Travel around the world to learn all about Noodles!

Emo Eats

Listen to Jimmy Eat World while eating a lobster roll

Taco Taco Taco

Got Tacos?

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